How can financial wellness improve your company’s inclusivity efforts?
It’s simpler than you might think.
Ensuring all employees have equal access to financial resources and services helps them generate greater wealth and achieve financial stability — helping them feel and be more secure.
Better your employees’ financial situations by providing them with an employer-sponsored emergency savings account (ESA) — starting them on their financial wellness journey and increasing equity across your organization.
White families have 8X the wealth of Black families and 5X the wealth of Hispanic families.
Source: Federal Reserve (2020)
Over 40% of employees say their finances control their life and spend more than 9 hours a week at work dealing with financial issues.
Source: SoFi (2022)
Financial wellness programs reduce financial stress by 23% on average.
Source: Enrich (2022)
28% of women say their finances are worse vs. just 23% of men.
Source: Financial Health Network (2022)
SecureSave encourages employees to save through an easy-to-use employer-sponsored emergency savings program. Employers can provide sign-up bonuses, savings matches, and milestone rewards for their employees to spur good savings habits. SecureSave targets the full employee population in our outreach programs: we have ~60% adoption rate and 83% of people across all income levels want access to an ESA.
See the impact of your custom SecureSave program with our ROI calculator