Watch the testimonial video from Lee & Hayes' CEO [2:53]
Business challenge
At Lee & Hayes, the leadership team views themselves as stewards and trusted partners of their employees. For them, adding an employer-sponsored ESA was a natural add-on, because offering your employees a rainy day fund with a match improves their financial well-being. They believe that being generous with their employees is key to being a good business and creating something that will outlast the current leadership team. Ultimately, Lee & Hayes decided to provide SecureSave to everyone on their team, regardless of their salary.
Why SecureSave?
When speaking to Rob from Lee & Hayes, his passion about caring for his employees was clear. When Lee & Hayes found a new benefit that could improve their team's financial well-being, it was a no-brainer.
“I think that financial literacy is important. Living in a way that is a good steward of your finances and with generosity is important. Generosity can only happen if you're being a good steward of what you have. When I found out Suze [Orman] was doing this, I knew SecureSave was going to have sound fundamentals, and this was going to be a net positive for us. So really, it was a very quick add. As soon as we learned about it, it was just simply a case of getting connected with SecureSave and making sure that they could help us get it off the ground.”
“[Financial wellness] is like waking up in the morning and going to the gym, you're not going to go wrong, you know, exercising every day, you're not going to go wrong, reading every day, praying every day, whatever your routine is, but, you know, saving and putting yourself in a good situation, those fundamentals are timeless.”
- Rob Hartman, CEO of Lee & Hayes